You Can Trust Your Life (DVD Review)

haydvd“I love you, Tim, and I am proud of you.  You have shown great courage to get to where you are, and you have so much more life yet to live.”

I now have a mirror by my desk where I look myself in the eye and say little affirmations like this during the day.  Does this sound strange?  If you watch Louise Hay’s and Cheryl Richardson’s new four part DVD set from Hay House, “You Can Trust Your Life”, you soon will be telling yourself loving affirmations, too!

“Mirror Work” is one of the self loving techniques Louise and Cheryl emphasize throughout the program.  Recorded at a live two day weekend workshop in London, the DVDs really capture the experience of hearing Louise and Cheryl in person.  The camera work is very well done, showing the subtle facial expressions of these two teachers, as well as the vulnerability of audience members during the question and answer periods.

I reviewed the book on which the workshop was based, You Can Create a Magnificent Life, when it first came out in September 2011.  The book was great but the DVDs offer spontaneous moments not possible in print format.  “We certainly welcome the men. We are so glad to have you here.  We love you,” Louise says early in the program.  “We like to acknowledge the men when they show up. We need more men,” Cheryl adds.  “We don’t need men but we welcome them.  We don’t need anything because life gives us everything,” says Louise, correcting Cheryl.  Rather than being offended, Cheryl laughs and says, “The teaching never ends people. It’s continuous and wonderful.”  The two women play off of each other like this throughout the sessions.  Watch the DVDs for more surprises (including one where Louise uses salty language to make a point – she is a feisty 86 year old!)

My favorite part of the program was the closing, where Louise leads the audience in a group forgiveness exercise.  “Being in a state of non-forgiveness is like sitting in a prison of self righteous resentment that keeps the doors closed,” she tells the crowd as everyone listens with their eyes closed. “And we cannot access the love in our own hearts.”

If you have never attended a Cheryl Richardson/Louise Hay talk in person as I have, the DVD set captures the energy and emotion of a live event.  The message of self love healing old wounds was freeing to me, as if I was at that London workshop.  “Living an exceptional life starts with loving yourself first,” Cheryl says in one segment.  “You are living with yourself day after day, you might as well enjoy it,” adds Louise.  Wise words I will remember the next time I have a self critical thought.

You can get “You Can Trust Your Life” from Hay House directly at this link:

Hay House

This is another review in my partnership with Hay House.  I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the DVD from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

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