Oprah’s The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose (book review)

“There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive,” Oprah writes in her new book The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life’s Direction and Purpose. Oprah not only shares her thoughts on this theme, but includes the insights from over 80 highly successful people. From the former President Jimmy Carter to actress Jane Fonda I found the wisdom shared from these celebrities relevant to my own life.

The Path Made Clear is not a book to rush through. Rather I suggest reading a page or two a day and letting the words sink in. This is also a good book for group discussion as every page can be a used as a stimulus for good conversation. Some of the excerpts I liked:

“You have unique gifts. Focus on the gifts. Don’t focus on the weaknesses, because there are other people who will complement your weaknesses, and you will complement theirs. You recognize the gift when you’re expressing yourself in that unique way, giving out your gifts, and you lose track of time.” – Deepak Chopra

“Fear is real. We have all experienced it. And it can be a powerful roadblock. The true meaning of courage is to be afraid—and then, with your knees knocking and your heart racing, take the leap anyway.” – Oprah

“Anytime you think you’ve hit the top of the mountain, the truth is, you’ve just reached another mountain, and it’s there to climb over again. Each step along the way is just a life lesson in humility. And it gives you the ammunition to go on and be excited about the next day.” – Jon Bon Jovi

“My hope with The Path Made Clear is to offer the wisdom of experience from the visionaries, artists, teachers, and trailblazers who have walked this road before you, and who have shared their inspiration and lessons with me,” Oprah writes in the book’s introduction. Oprah achieves that goal. I recommend reading an excerpt from The Path Made Clear for a burst of inspiration each day.